Wetterhorn Salad
Sprouts | Croutons | roasted seeds | house dressing
CHF 14
White wine soup
Mountain herbs | Croutons
CHF 13
Goat cheese
Goat cheese | Salad | Nuts | Honey
CHF 12
Marrow bones
Marrow bone | Spruce crust | Toast
CHF 12
Obwaldner Ridtartare 80g
Obwalden beef tartare | herb butter
small portion
CHF 22
large portion
CHF 33
Boiled meat salad
Boiled meat salad | pickles | mustard | onion rings
small portion
CHF 18
large portion
CHF 27
Rehschnitzel | Wildrahmsauce | Spätzli | Rotkraut | Wildgarnitur
CHF 44
Hirsch-Entrecôte | Preiselbeerrahmsauce | Spätzli | Rotkraut | Wildgarnitur
CHF 48
Pastetli | Fasan | Steinpilz | Wirsing | Venere Reis
CHF 33
Wildschweinpfeffer | Spätzli | Rotkraut | Wildgarnitur
CHF 39
Auf Vorbestellung Rehrücken vom Grill ab 2 Personen
Rehrücken vom Grill | Wildrahmsauce | Spätzli | Rotkraut | Wildgarnitur
CHF 52
Main course on the grill
Beef fillet
Beef fillet | Cedar wood | Risotto | Chanterelles
CHF 54
Main course from the Roman pot
Veal dumplings
Veal dumplings | Apple wood | Garden herb pasta | Carrots
CHF 28
Raspberry Parfait
Raspberry Parfait | Rosemary | Pistachio
CHF 14
Chocolate Mousse
Safranbirne | Schokoladensauce | Pistaziencrumble
CHF 14
Caramel Eclair
Caramel Eclair | Crème pâtissière
CHF 12